Conference / FDP /MDP

Academic Year 2022-23

Ananya Institute for Development Research and Social Action, Lucknow, and Ministry of Culture, Government of India for National conference titled “Relevance of Raja Rama Mohan Roy in Women Empowerment and Transformation in New India”. Dated-30th and 31st, Jan-2023

Academic Year 2020-21

One Day International E-symposium on Covid-19 Disaster: Rejuvenation of social-economic and Educational Spheres, dated-4th, September,2020
Three days placement workshop on the theme “Being The Best- Built on Best of the best Life skills” held on 10th February to 12th February 2021.
Mr. Ajit Narayan (Marketing Head, Niveus Solutions) was the guest of honour.
Dr. T Jayaprakash Rao (Director – AJIM) presided over the program.
Prof. (MAJOR) RADHAKRISHNA M. (Motivator, Master Facilitator & Trainer: HRD & TQM) was the resource person for the workshop.
Three day Workshop was organized from 23rd to 25th February 2021 at the Institute on the theme “Aptitude and Analytical Skills for Career Excellence” for Second year MBA students.
Mr. Dheeraj Shetty (General Manager – HR, IR & Admin, JBF Petrochemicals) was the guest of honour.
Dr. T Jayaprakash Rao (Director – AJIM) presided over the program.
Mrs. Nirmitha (Aptitude and Soft Skill Trainer) was the resource person for the workshop.

Academic Year 2019-20

Two days placement workshop on the theme “Dynamics of corporate expectation and career preparation” held on 23rd September to 24th September 2019.Dr. K.V. Malini (Principal Canara College) was the guest of honour.
Dr. T Jayaprakash Rao (Director – AJIM) presided over the program.Mr. Abhilash K. and Mrs. Flona (Trainees from Abhijnya Education Pvt. Ltd.) were the resource person.

Three day Workshop was organized from 22nd to 24th October 2019 at the Institute on the theme BEING THE BEST – Built on Best of the Best ‘Life Skills’ for first year MBA students.Dr. K. NILLAN SHETTY (Principal, A.J. Institute of Dental Science, Mangalore) was the guest of honour.Prof. (MAJOR) RADHAKRISHNA M. (Motivator, Master Facilitator & Trainer: HRD & TQM) was the resource person for the workshop.

Two day placement workshop was organised 22nd and 23rd November 2019 at the Institute on the theme Campus to corporate training for first year MBA students.Dr. H. R. SHIVAKUMAR (Special Officer of the Visvesavaraya Technological University, Belagavi Extension centre at extension centre at AJ engineering college Mangalore) was the Chief guest.Mr. Sunil George Director of Astha Academy, Mangalore was the resource person for the workshop.
Two days Workshop was conducted on 24th and 25th February 2020, on the theme of “Aptitude and Analytical skills for career excellence” at institute conference hall.
Mrs. Vijayalakshmi S Suvarana (Assistant Manager HR Diya Systems Mangalore) was the Chief Guest for inaugural program. Dr. T Jayaprakash Rao (Director, A. J. institute of Management) has presided over the function.
The workshop was organized to enhance the aptitude skills of second year MBA students. Experts from the aptitude domain have conducted the rigorous training program for two days.
One Day Workshop was conducted on 26th February 2020, on the theme of “Investment awareness program”at institute conference hall.
Mr. Leo Amal A (Branch Manager Franklin Templeton Asset Management (India) Pvt. Ltd Mangalore) was the Chief Guest for inaugural program.
Dr. T Jayaprakash Rao (Director, A. J. Institute of Management) has presided over the function.
The workshop was organized to give an insight into the importance of Financial Literacy and Personal Money Management for second year MBA students. Expert from the Industries have conducted the awareness session with interactive learning process.

Academic Year 2018-19

Two-day National Conference on the theme “Consolidating Social Enterprises Through Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: Issues and Challenges. Dated- 14th and 15th December 2018.In Association with Karnataka Private Post-Graduate Colleges Associations, Bengaluru

Academic Year 2017-18

A ‘Two day’ National Conference on the Theme: “Skill India to leverage Make in India : Initiatives and Challenges” held on 12th & 13th April, 2017.Sri. K. M. Udupa, Managing Trustee, Bharathiya Vikas Trust, Manipal is graced the occasion as Chief Guest
One day workshop on the theme “Preparations for Placements: An overview” held on 30th July, 2017, conducted by Internal Faculty
A Mock Interview held on 23th August,2017, conducted by Internal Faculty and Industry Representatives
A ‘Two day’ Workshop conducted to First year students on the topic “Personify Powerful Persona” held on 3rd November, 2017, Anasuya Rai, Co-ordinator, Department of PG Studies in Commerce, University College, Mangalore is a Guest of Honour, Prof. (Major) Radhakrishna M. is a Resource person
One week MDP Programme on “Entrepreneurship Development” held on 15th December, 2017, Mrs. Komal, Entrepreneur is a Guest of Honour, Mr. Socrates, Director, MSME Dept, Mangalore and Mr. Uday Kumar, Asst. Director, MSME. Mangalore is a Resource person
A ‘Seven day’ Workshop on the theme “Placement Preparations” held on 25th January, 2018, Mrs. Poornima Katapadi, Chairman, Simple Solution. Mangalore is a Guest of Honour and Mr. Rajeev Swamy,Seventh Sense Joint Solution ,Bangalore.
A ‘Two day’ Workshop on the theme “Placement Preparations” held on 30th and 31st Jan 2018, conducted by Internal Faculty
A ‘Three day’ Workshop on “Placement Preparation” held on 13th February, 2018, Mr. Praveen Pinto, DGM, MRPL is the Guest of Honour, Vignesh and Sri Nidhi, Seventh Sense Talent Solutions, Bangalore.
One day Workshop for First MBA (Batch – B) on the theme “Self-Awareness for Personal Effectiveness” held on 28 February, 2018, Dr. Ganesh Bhat is a Resource person.
One day Workshop for First MBA (Batch – A) on the theme “Self-Awareness for Personal Effectiveness”held on 7th March, 2018, Dr. Ganesh Bhat is a Resource person.